Lets talk about some of the most used figma plugins
| Unsplash
Unsplash is the best way to download stock images for free. Once you have installed the plugin , you can select a shape and insert the image directly from the unsplash plugin tab.
| Remove bg
Remove bg plugin helps you to remove the background of the selected image. All you need to do is to signup to the website remove.bg and copy the api link from the API key section from the dashboard and paste it to the remove.bg plugin
| Contrast
Contrast plugin allows you to check the contrast of the design as you work. It checks if the contrast follows the WCAG guideline.
| Color pallets
Find the best color pallets from the huge list of color pallets. Fill beautifull color pallets straight to your design without searching on google or another sites.
| Iconfiy
Drag and drop over 60 icon sets containing 50,000 icons into your design using Iconify plugin. It contains popular design icons like Material Design icons, FontAwesome, Jam Icons, EmojiOne andTwitter Emoji. You can import this icons in vector form which makes it easy to edit.