Here are my top 5 favorite vs code extensions that helps me save time and stay productive
1 . REST Client
REST Client allows you to send HTTP requests and view the response in Visual Studio Code directly. You wouldn’t need any platform like Postman or Hoppscotch.
2. Auto rename tag
Automatically completes HTML and XML closing tags. A must-have for web developers.
3. TODO Highlights
Allows you to mark a section in your code with TODO or FIX ME or DEBUG LATER-like tags. Later you can see all of your marked sections used in the project. It comes in handy if you keep forgetting something which you need to do in a section of code.
4. Path Intellisense
Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes filenames. Now you don’t need to remember any of your file’s paths to import it to the code.
5: Calculator on command pallet
There might be a time when you want to do a simple mathematical expression while coding. But switching to the browser or using your smartphone calculator for that seems to be a multi-step process.
Using this extension you can simply calculate mathematical expressions on your command pallet.